Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Emerging Technology In E-Learning" Reflection

There are many hurdles within technology and learning. E-learning is the new method of delivering content, knowledge, and instruction. E-learning does have it's opponents, that may not see the value in technology based instruction.

Benefits out E-learning create these vast networks of ideas, interests, collaboration, and consolidating content. The stand alone classroom becomes more of an island that feels isolated, and constrained. Technology has opened up classrooms for distance learners that may not be local. This has gained a devote following within countries that are geographically isolated. Many countries lack professional within a certain content area. Although, e-learning flattens the landscape by providing interaction and expertise through the world wide web. The delivery of content c an be streamed, and modularized. Far away learners can work together with experts from around the world, especially through collaborative efforts like wikis. Rural areas, and isolated countries now have access to extensive content through the web, but can exchange ideas/thoughts through blogs, threads, forums, and variety of web 2.0 applications. These new applications are absolutely essential in supporting the emerging E-learning movement.

E-learning provides a critical need to many individuals, groups, and even entire countries that rely on e-learning to educate and expand the minds of it's citizens. The tools, knowledge base, and expert communities use to only belong to those countries with the highest standard of living. Through e-learning and web 2.0, many more people can now learn and become educated. Especially, individuals from non-industrialized nations that lack resources.

Week 4

The presentations were very well done. I liked that all the group members used cloud computing and had their presentation on the net, rather than a local drive. The use of google docs has been increasing in use by both industry, education, and personal use. Although, the presentation software is not as strong. This will hopefully be remedied by google as the add additional functionality to their free online programs. The presentations also went over the history of each new web 2.0 technology. This gave me some insight into the workings of these applications, how each one grew into the current version, and what usage can be applied from these apps.

I feel there is still much to learn about these new web 2.0 apps. Am very excited to try them all, but must start by playing around with one application at a time. Still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of resources, apps, and emerging technologies. There is a lot out there that many of us don't realize even exists. Hopefully, through this class will be able to learn and do more.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 3

This week was a bit difficult. I had e-mail problems both with my work account and my account. Either one would receive for forward e-mails to join the social networking of "socialtext." So while everyone was logged in and writing their short story in class, I was still trying to get a confirmation e-mail. Frustrating to say the least...

A last, Ethan comes to the rescue. he is patient and worked out all the craziness. Finally got registered onto "socialtext." Now I forgot my socialtext user name and password. :-( There are so many on-line tools and sites to utilize, register, and learn. The number of user names and passwords to remember is killing me. I will eventually sign up for flock, and place all things onto one easy interface within the web browser. Will do this very soon.....hopefully.

It was great to have a speaker this week. It seemed more of an info session, than a true discussion. Yet, I learned much about the social networking and the impact on work groups within companies/education. The internal and secure wiki as work spaces I think are a great idea!

Wikis thare cooooool! - create for connecting concepts, especially education - allows you to search other wikis on the web - online editable map - you can describe any place on Earth. Or just surf maps discovering tonns of already marked places.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 2

I enjoyed the discussions concerning Connectivism and the interrelated aspects of the idea. The explosion of information that is available on-line seems ever-growing. Making sense of information is a key idea to navigating through the mounds of on-line information. A trusted information source seems to be of great importance to many people in the group. It is also a great concern of mine, as I allow students to gather and process information from on-line source. Students need to understand differentciation between fact and gossip. The mere fact that information is posted on-line does not deem the information to be accurate or reliable. I would agree that learners need to be guided through on-line material and shown proper usage, trust-worthiness, and application. Enjoyed this week's class and looking forward to further discussions on wiki!