Thursday, May 14, 2009

Final Project Design, Plannning, and Development

Mindy and I are working on a Final Project which is a teacher training for starting a wiki space as a repository for departments and classes. Below is an overview by Mindy Chiang for the project idea.

Here is the link if you'd like a look at the wonderful template Mindy has created, and I've uploaded, embedded, and organized my content knowledge.


Wiki Space Template is Designed and Produced by Mindy Chiang
For Carlmont High School


  • Recognizing that both the teachers and the students have much to contribute beyond the classroom, we set out to create a simple to use and near-maintenance-free template on PBWorks site for teachers at Carlmont.
  • To supplement our current system, Communicado, which serves mostly as a one-directional "bulletin board" where the teachers post assignments and grades information. There is no collaboration function available.
  • To offer a place where the teachers organize and share their materials with the students, colleagues, parents, and administrators.


  • To create a near-universal template which allows collaborative and interactive learning to our teachers and students.
    • Click here to see our design of the template.
  • To create a sharing environment for all subjects.


  • Each teacher will have a PBWorks site of his/her own.
  • Each subject the teacher teaches will have one folder.
  • Each page will be of one lesson.
  • There will be a link from Communicado to the teacher's PBWorks site.
  • Sample teacher PBWorks site
  • Sample teacher Communicado site
Wiki Space Template is Designed and Produced by Mindy Chiang
For Carlmont High School

The design for each lesson page is divided into three parts:

Part 1: Textbook material

This is to guide students to the parts of the textbook that they should pay special attention to or are useful in the students' study of the subject.

Part 2: Teacher-created material

Teachers can share their created (or found) supporting materials here for students to view. This can be slideshows, images, podcasts, and videos.

Part 3: Colalboration/Student Contribution

Students can shine in this area by contributing and sharing their learning with their teachers and classmates. This can also be an area for questions and answers.

My Google Apps Presentation

Here is my Google Apps Presentation using Google Presenter

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week 13 - Wrapping up the Semester

I've been working day and night. Finishing all the projects, assignments, and working my full time job is stressful. Although, I know at the end of the program it will all be worth it. I liked how our classes have such lively discussions about many topics. I respect every one's input and experiences. It is nice to see so many different perspectives from a wide variety of people. Everyone giving constructive feedback that is welcome and helps us all to delve deeper into our own projects, ideas, and thinking processes.

The projects presented this week were well done, and insightful. It was nice to see that class members really developed projects that spoke to them and their audiences. It seems everyone in class is developing something to help others. Clearly, we as a "Community of Practice" are more concerned about the world around us, than in personal gain. It is refreshing to learn, work, and collaborate with everyone in class. :-)

Week 12 - More on Interface Design

This week was presentations on interface design. I think the key concern is accessibility where a user must feel the following.

1. Form - Is it appealing when viewing?
2.Comfort - It feels nice for me to use.
2. Insight into functionality - How does it work?
3. Access - What I can do.
4. Efficiency - Time Saver

Although these are not always the intention, it is taken into consideration when designing interface. This is my own personal belief, and what I got out of tonight's class. We often see things that may work for use, but can be completely foreign to other individuals. So another important aspect is "customization." Is the design somewhat customizable, not customizable, or fully customizable. The various levels of personalization really speak to a user or may turn them off completely. Lets discuss! :-)

Week 11 - Interface Design

This week was presentations. Here is the presentation that Alex, Tracy and I produced for

"Where is ITEC?"

Tracy and Alex are great to work with in my group. Each individual brings a unique set of skills and perspective. I think the project turned out so much better as a group than as individual because of the constant feedback. They were both constructive, pleasant, and highly skilled. In my profession some of my coworkers can be very difficult. Even though people may be highly trained and knowledgeable, they may not be approachable or open to collaboration. I'm glad to say Tracy and Alex are exceptional team members and very open to ideas. Their collaboration is highly valued and greatly appreciated.

Week 10 - Project Management and Design

I'm not familiar with formal project management, since I've never worked on a large project with a strict structure. School teacher here, and we usually do collaboration sessions, where we have one facilitator and everyone has sign off rights when development curriculum and designing materials.

So I was very interested in hearing more from our guest speaker. Project management becomes ever more difficult when managing more people, personalities, and budgets. It was very clear that not everyone is able to project manage effectively. Juggling so many personalities within a group with varying ability is at some point going to run into conflict. there were many good tips and discussions concerning the approach to projects and their need for team members to feel valid, give insight, and providing support with feedback. I think those are essential components in an effective project manager. I would have liked to hear more about budgeting, since I'm not the greatest at budgeting for projects of any sort.

Week 9 - Web 2.0 Exhibition

If there wasn't enough information out there already. Now we have all these incredible new apps. I'm a bite nervous and excited all at the same time. I'm just learning about these new apps on web 2.0 and here comes a new mountain of apps ready to be deployed. I feel that I haven't mastered the current apps and new ones have already been development. It is allot for an individual to take in all at once, but the feeling is more about excitement than anxiety.

I like the fact that many companies have decided to create apps that are not on a local machine. The apps are mostly all accessible on-line. just previewing some of the apps, it is clear that usability and accessibility in design , form, and function have been taken into consideration of some of the new web 2.0 apps.

My concern lies in the learning curve and who the audience is catered to. These conferences/expo seem to tailored to innovators, and risk takers. The language is completely different, since they speak in technical terms and often need to ask for clarification. Makes for a steep learning curve if ever you were to fully learn any one of the new apps. Still, people are excited, patient, and there is a willingness to cooperate, collaborate, and make more accessible to the masses. Great!

Week 8 - Civic Potential in Video Games

Video games are a great platform. I use to play video games as a kid in the 80's and loved my Nintendo and Sega. Thinking about those games, many games in back in the 80's had a message. Some were about violence and just plain good interface design. Some games really had good messages like environmental issues, civics of taking care of places and people, and some even just about the betterment of mankind.

Simulators are a great example of this type of civic engagement. We have today video games as virtual pets, building cities (SimCity), and virtual dating. I can see the benefits in especially young minds like teens. Many trying to find and mold their identities. Video games can be a shaping tool that teaches responsibility, reasoning, cooperation, and consequence. This could all be used for the betterment of a wider community.

On the other hand, some video games can really deter young minds see only adversarial viewpoints. I find religiously overtones video games to see people in a community as enemies. Example would be "convert to my religion or pay the consequence" type scenarios really do not promote tolerance, acceptance, or civic potential.

Still, we must take the good with the bad in all aspects of life. It is just my hope that game developers will use the platform that creates atmospheres of inclusion and act responsibly. All people need to accepted and valued for their backgrounds and experiences. My belief anyways :-)

Week 7 - Digital Learners & Google

Google in my mind is still up in there air. I'm not sure if Goggle is the new "Evil Empire" or not. They offer all these free service and web 2.0 apps, but how long will they remain free? Once Google apps are used everywhere, and people become so dependant on their services. Will Google at that point start charging? When they know that people have no other options? I'm pondering.... although, I can't stop loving the Google docs presentation upload, and slide sharing!

Interesting CNN article

The new age of digital learners has really opened my eyes to a new way and thinking, learning, and collaborating. It is interesting to see how people like myself in traditional classroom are venturing out to discover the "New web = web 2.o". there are so many new technologies. So many people were excited as was I to see this new products.

1. Show me what it is. (Importance & Engage)
2. Show me how it works. (Model)
3. Let me try it. (Practice)
4. Evaluate (Feedback)

It was nice to see the new technologies really embrassing the Instructional Design Process!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

ITEC 830 - Interface Design Critique

Critique for Website ""
Add Image
On Information Design

Who are the Potential Users?
  • The possible users would be parents, teachers looking for employment, and students who are looking for resources.
Information Chunk
  • The amount of information just on the home screen is too large. The chunks are far to large for the home screen. Information is too varied within the written text. The page layout is poor, and smaller chunks need o be worked on this page. Labeling
Labeling & Consistency
  • The left had tool bar is easy to see, but the labels are difficult to read. The text is too small, and fonts that are much more bold should be used to address the issue concerning "content" for paragraphs. The website is consistent in the font size, but some variation of fonts may give better organization and feel. The color choice could also use a slight splash of color. The overall green feel needs just addition of 1-2 colors to show important sections on the page.

  • Far too many details are given on this single page. The navigation becomes difficult with small font, and the search bar is almost hidden in the top right hand corner. New layout and color choices would greatly help users become more familiar with this site.
Interactivity (Orientation, Navigation, and Functionality)
  • The site is tailored for lower end users. The page layout is simple blocks, and a navigation tool bar. The tool bar should float as the page scrolls down. Users must constantly scroll upwards to return to pages and becomes cumbersome.
  • The interaction with the user is very limited. Only search is possible, while comments and feedback are limited.
On Screen Design
  • The look is simple and clean, but could use some updating. The color has too much green, while layout needs a redesign. The readability needs fonts that are easier to read and search.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Week 6 Reflection - Dr. Ellen Wagner

It was great to hear about continuous topics relating to technology, adoption, and feedback. The same issues that people raised about technology are still be used to criticise the use of technology in the current day. I helped to write the digital high school grant for my home school more than 10 years ago. This was during the early emergence of web 1.5 and found much resistance from non-tech savvy teachers. On the other hand, there were many teachers who embraced the new technology and adapted their teaching to incorporate learning that utilize computers, applications, and the world wide web.

Many teachers struggled with these new technologies, some failed at implementing new tech, and a limited few found success. Teachers are a bunch of resilient learners. Even though most failed, including myself, we reloaded and tried again. Implement the new things were learned, and gradually found success. Over years of practice and hard work, the teachers developed into some of the most engaging and innovative teachers. I believe this comes from not fearing or criticizing the new technology, but embarrassing the good and the bad about technology. Problem solving through the technology, and utilizing the portions that drive greater learning.

Our discussions this week, really delved into the issues that m-learning and e-learning has seen for more than a decade. It is an uphill battle to win over people to support, contribute, and grow through these new technologies. The value of m-0learning seems almost unlimited, by providing SME or subject matter experts in a world that has become smaller due to the world wide web. Contributions from individuals and companies to future the new technologies has driven an entire world to search for more learning, and content knowledge. I'm glad I am here to live and experience this great period in time of exponential growth in new technologies. ***Smiles***

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 6 - March 5 2009

Dr. Ellen Wagner and mobile learning (M-Learning) was engaging and exciting to have a dialogue within class.

Access - I liked how she really covered the accessibility of new and emerging technology that reached the mass public. The diagram of adaption by users was very insightful, especially the early adopters. I feel fights are always brewing between new adopters, and late adopters and people who never even bother to utilize the new technologies.

Innovation - Innovation definitely drives new communities of practice (COP). We definitely seek out a place where ideas can be discussed. This only takes place through affordance. New technologies as social network, blogging, and other web 2.0 apps have made it possible for people to connect in ways we have never done before. Dr. Wagner gave much insight into her life as not wanting to "miss the boat" to be involved in new and merging technology.

Sustainability - Not sure what to say here. technologies are changing faster than we can learn and use them. Seems like as we learn one app, two or three others pop up. Sustainability is still a big question on my mind. More to come later.

Week 5

Hey All,

Here is my voicethread when I was trying to relate to Dr. Bonk's Presentation. I hope you enjoy, and I will return to write some more. I'm exhausted, but happy! :-)

Hey everyone. This week had again much new technology to absorb. The mantra "We all learn" I think is great. It speaks to everyone around the world, regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, or global position. Learning is no longer a place, but everyone is under one cloud. "Cloud Computing and Learning" means no matter where we are, we can all learn. The issue is access to the Internet. Once everyone has access it is possible to find learning taking place everywhere.

E-learning breaks down the barriers that once restricted knowledge to only the countries with large monetary systems. Individuals and companies have provided new technology and content to individuals and schools. This has made the world a "flat" place, where almost everyone has equal access to learning, content knowledge, new technology applications, and rivaling traditional schools of learning.

This benefits the poorest of nations, and helps the populous of these nations. It provides learning, training, and ultimately opportunities. Newly emerging educated people are now becoming contributing participants into the new digital age. Where content, collaboration, and community are built within many learning communities. Learning communities are being broadened by contributors that collaborate around the globe. The act of contributing content, feedback, and openness has created a world that is looking to solve global issues by educating one individual at a time, on their own pace, and at low to no monetary cost. Rather amazing. :-) **giggles**

Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Emerging Technology In E-Learning" Reflection

There are many hurdles within technology and learning. E-learning is the new method of delivering content, knowledge, and instruction. E-learning does have it's opponents, that may not see the value in technology based instruction.

Benefits out E-learning create these vast networks of ideas, interests, collaboration, and consolidating content. The stand alone classroom becomes more of an island that feels isolated, and constrained. Technology has opened up classrooms for distance learners that may not be local. This has gained a devote following within countries that are geographically isolated. Many countries lack professional within a certain content area. Although, e-learning flattens the landscape by providing interaction and expertise through the world wide web. The delivery of content c an be streamed, and modularized. Far away learners can work together with experts from around the world, especially through collaborative efforts like wikis. Rural areas, and isolated countries now have access to extensive content through the web, but can exchange ideas/thoughts through blogs, threads, forums, and variety of web 2.0 applications. These new applications are absolutely essential in supporting the emerging E-learning movement.

E-learning provides a critical need to many individuals, groups, and even entire countries that rely on e-learning to educate and expand the minds of it's citizens. The tools, knowledge base, and expert communities use to only belong to those countries with the highest standard of living. Through e-learning and web 2.0, many more people can now learn and become educated. Especially, individuals from non-industrialized nations that lack resources.

Week 4

The presentations were very well done. I liked that all the group members used cloud computing and had their presentation on the net, rather than a local drive. The use of google docs has been increasing in use by both industry, education, and personal use. Although, the presentation software is not as strong. This will hopefully be remedied by google as the add additional functionality to their free online programs. The presentations also went over the history of each new web 2.0 technology. This gave me some insight into the workings of these applications, how each one grew into the current version, and what usage can be applied from these apps.

I feel there is still much to learn about these new web 2.0 apps. Am very excited to try them all, but must start by playing around with one application at a time. Still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of resources, apps, and emerging technologies. There is a lot out there that many of us don't realize even exists. Hopefully, through this class will be able to learn and do more.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 3

This week was a bit difficult. I had e-mail problems both with my work account and my account. Either one would receive for forward e-mails to join the social networking of "socialtext." So while everyone was logged in and writing their short story in class, I was still trying to get a confirmation e-mail. Frustrating to say the least...

A last, Ethan comes to the rescue. he is patient and worked out all the craziness. Finally got registered onto "socialtext." Now I forgot my socialtext user name and password. :-( There are so many on-line tools and sites to utilize, register, and learn. The number of user names and passwords to remember is killing me. I will eventually sign up for flock, and place all things onto one easy interface within the web browser. Will do this very soon.....hopefully.

It was great to have a speaker this week. It seemed more of an info session, than a true discussion. Yet, I learned much about the social networking and the impact on work groups within companies/education. The internal and secure wiki as work spaces I think are a great idea!

Wikis thare cooooool! - create for connecting concepts, especially education - allows you to search other wikis on the web - online editable map - you can describe any place on Earth. Or just surf maps discovering tonns of already marked places.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 2

I enjoyed the discussions concerning Connectivism and the interrelated aspects of the idea. The explosion of information that is available on-line seems ever-growing. Making sense of information is a key idea to navigating through the mounds of on-line information. A trusted information source seems to be of great importance to many people in the group. It is also a great concern of mine, as I allow students to gather and process information from on-line source. Students need to understand differentciation between fact and gossip. The mere fact that information is posted on-line does not deem the information to be accurate or reliable. I would agree that learners need to be guided through on-line material and shown proper usage, trust-worthiness, and application. Enjoyed this week's class and looking forward to further discussions on wiki!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

ITEC 830 - week 1

Hey All,

I am really enjoying the ITEC 830 class. Lots of personalities and new theory/applications to discover. Something new in the air is always a great experience. Add to the mix of new exciting people, and you've got a great experience ready to happen.

In the meantime, will continue to teach during the days. Commute to classes at night and drink lots of coffee to keep awake to enjoy the class and interact with all the new faces...